
Showing posts from April, 2018

The Red Box Project Lymington & Brockenhurst

After reading about the number of girls in the UK who miss school because they find it difficult financially to purchase sanitary products, we decided to do something about it. At the beginning of March this year, we became coordinators for the Red Box Project and have set up The Red Box Project Lymington & Brockenhurst.  The Red Box Project started just over a year ago in Portsmouth as a charitable community group and now has approximately 120 projects all over the UK. Our aim is to put Red Boxes of sanitary items, spare knickers etc in local schools so that girls experiencing ‘period poverty' can access them and take what they need to support them throughout their entire period. ‘Period poverty’ happens more often than you realise and can result in tearful panics in the toilet, wadded up toilet roll, anxious embarrassment, missed lessons, missed education. Because of this, some girls are even failing to attend school during this time.   A recent article